SHARC Monday Night Check In

QST, QST, QST This is (Name)----------, (Location)--------, (Call Sign)--------------Net Control for the Southern Humboldt Amateur Radio Club Monday Night Net check in. This Net meets every Monday night at 7:00 P.M. local time on the SHARC repeater system, which includes the 146.79 repeater located above Garberville and the 146.94 repeater located above Shelter Cove. Everyone listening is encouraged to check in and participate in tonight's discussion following the net. Also everyone is encouraged to be Net Control of this net in the future.

Is there any emergency or priority traffic on frequency?

When checking in, please check in with your Name, Location, and Call Sign. If you want to break in for any reason use your Call Sign only.

Are there any mobiles wishing to check in?

Are there any stations on alternative power?

I will now take check-ins geographically starting with Garberville and North.

West of Garberville.
South of Garberville
East of Garberville

Any late or missed check-ins?

Any visitors who would like to check in?

Any activities, announcements, bulletins, scenarios, discussions or training exercises?

Any items for sale or trade?

Is there a volunteer for Net Control for next Monday?

I am now closing the net and am returning the frequency for normal use. Clear (state your Call Sign).