Minutes May 2003


Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. on the air.

INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS AND GUESTS Present: Jack Foster KM6TE,Jerry Wilson KF6IBP, Nancy Wilson KG6BIL, Smitty W6CLG, Gladys KB6IBF, Gary Welborn, Lamar AE6LJ,

The agenda was approved as submitted.

APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES The minutes for April were approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT Bank Balances $556.48checking, $ reserve account. No. of Members 28 have currently paid dues

COMMITTEE REPORTS  Repeaters, Antennas, Event Communications, Emergency Planning
Health and Safety Fair, Shark set up table and antenna. Approx.40groups signed up. More advertisment was needed. The groups attendfing benefited from interaction with each other. Safety in So. Hum has increased due to the event.

A picnic field trip to the repeater was set for June 28th. We can count it as a field day. Cliff will be asked to bring his side band equipment. We will all meet at 10:00 a.m. at Conger Street.

Rodeo is on June 14th. Jack has people to manage the traffic for the parade.

101 Bike Run on June 7th. They have their own communicaiton and safety system. They want to run a base station. If we did'nt come it did'nt matter. Kent felt they had it covered. Nancy will flu if there are specific needs SHARC can fill and get in touch with the club.

Ham Convention in Ferndale: Friday afternoon set up, wine and cheese. Main convention starts on Sat. about 9:00 to 5:00 and Sun A.M.. SHARC will have a sales booth. Get in touch with Jack if you can help.
Jerry offers vacuum tubes for the sale.

Weed eating around the repeater. Smitty suggested a work party up there. _Jack and Smitty will coordinate it. Smitty will bring a weedeater to the picnic.

Jack talked about the Picnic at Scotia for Far West Repeater Assoc. Sept. 7 or 14th.

Gary Wellbourn: on glass antenna on back window of pickup truck. What are the requirements. Some windows don't work with wires and tinting. Gary will try it and let us know.

Jack has a HAM radio antenna on his side window with no problems.

Jerry wanted to tell kathy that there is a big article on QST on the article of going on the internet.
Lamar adds to discussion of antennas on truck windows. rigs have 50-60 watts may be a problem with shielding.


Raffle tickets for the Christmas Raffle were distributed to those attending.

The next SHARC meeting will be July 2003

The meeting was ajourned at P.M.