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January 2002 Issue

SHARC Meeting Minutes
Southern Humboldt Amateur Radio Club
January 22, 2002

Members present:

Approval of agenda - Since this is the first meeting of the New Year, there is no agenda. For future agenda items, call Kim (707-923-1273) or email your agenda items to

Minutes - There are no previous minutes because the December party was the last meeting.

Treasurer's Report - Jack
Regular checking account has $341.41. There is $928.24 in the equipment fund. We have 13 paid Members. We will let it go for a couple months and then send out notices to try to get everyone paid.

Committee reports:
The 146.940 repeater is in Jack's shop. It is all tuned up and ready to go back out. The 146.790 repeater has a spare repeater already. There was some discussion that it would be nice to have a spare for the 146.940 repeater. Jack has just about everything needed to make this happen except a power amp.
Disaster Preparedness Meeting: Next Thursday at the Public Health Building in Garberville at 1p.m.
This is ongoing. They get together once a month and talk about disaster planning and disaster preparedness. If a serious disaster or event happened, they could gather information to relay to OES in Eureka.

Events: Jack has the Humboldt County Amateur Radio calendar for the whole year. He gave it to Kim to put it on the web page. Jack recommended one event. The April 20 and 21 "EMCOMM" Emergency Communications conference in Redding is one event worth attending.

Old Business
Kit Building session - No one has bought a kit yet.
Lighthouse weekend event in August: People try to contact the lighthouses all over the U.S. We thought we would like to activate the Shelter Cove lighthouse. We should send off letters of interest soon. Nancy talked to Bea Anderson on the lighthouse committee. She seemed interested, but we should contact them early enough.
QST Magazines - John has a bunch of them he will give to anyone who wants them. They go back maybe 5 or 10 years.

New Business:
Nancy - Hospital Disaster Preparedness group is now being called another name, but she doesn't have it right now. She will get it to us later.

Mike Pratt (KF6BUZ) installed a nice new cabinet at the hospital for the ham equipment. We should write him a thank you letter. Kim will do this.

Jack - Do we want to continue to give away a prize for being the Monday night operator? Jerry made a motion. The motion was seconded by Jack and was passed. We will continue the prize.

Jack - Do we want to consider having our meetings every other month, rather than every month? After some discussion, it was decided to keep it at once a month.

Jack - Do we want to do another class? Jerry has had two people express interest. We should put something in the papers, including the South Fork High School paper. Kim will write up an article and send to the papers.

Open Forum: Nothing at this time.

Door Prize
Kim (KG6BFO) won 20' of coax cable.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by: Kim A. Cabrera (KG6BFO) Secretary


Jim, WB6ZLE mentioned the "Paddle to the Headwaters" event could use a few more volunteer communicators for this event. The event date has been changed to April 13th so there will be sufficient water in the river.
Anyone interested in helping out for the event, contact Jim, WB6ZLE 725-2288. Jim can usually be found turning in his daily weather report using the 146.610/146.760/146.700/147.000, linked repeater system between 8:30a.m. and 9 a.m.


Changes are a part of life and sometimes come at inopportune times. I, your humble editor am now living in Eureka most of the time. This makes it just that much harder to talk and hear what's going on in the Southern Humboldt area. So please feel free to contact me on the phone 707-444-2722 or at my e-mail address! I am still on Packet Radio (145.050MHz) and can hear the EKA node for the most part. If anyone would like to take over the job of editor for the SHARC BYTE NEWS, I would appreciate the break as I have pumping them out for some years now.

I do hope that some articles will come in from hams in the community. Your input is always welcome.


Well? Who is your choice? I would like to give this honor to Kim, KG6BFO, this month for not only the fine job she has done for the club with the WEB PAGE, but now I understand she has taken on the thankless job of club secretary! Bravo Kim.





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REDWAY, CA 95560