Southern Humboldt Amateur Radio Club, better known
as S.H.A.R.C., was founded in 1986, and currently has a membership of over 50 amateur
radio enthusiasts. Being a diversified and well organized club, most of its members
attended classes offered and taught by its own members, and then were tested and licensed
by the S.H.A.R.C. testing and exam officials, who are also members, and officers of
The club coordinates communications for many of the local events: Kinetic Sculpture Race,
Harley Run,, the Avenue of Giants Marathons, and much more. The Club
Picnic is held around August, and at the end of the year they give away radios, and
"cheap and superficial" prizes at the gala Christmas Party. There's plenty of
fun found on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Club meetings, and everyone is welcome
to attend.
The club owns and operates two repeaters with autopatches, that are operating on
frequencies 146.790 and 146.940, covering all of Southern Humboldt County/Northern
Mendocino with public service emergency communications, and communications in time of
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This site dedicated to its original creator: Margaret Brown KE6FBP
Site updated: March 10, 2001.
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since March 10, 2001.
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